FM20 Project: You Call The Shots, Episode 5

Welcome to The Set Pieces’ most ambitious Football Manager Project yet. You Call The Shots is the first time we attempt to unite the FM20 community to show just how good they are at the game. The premise is simple: we click the buttons, but it’s your votes that will decide how well we do. So, can we show we’re FM til we die by leading Sunderland back to the Championship?

Episode 1; Episode 2; Episode 3; Episode 4

All hail, Lord Bendtner! That seems to be what you’re telling us after the former Arsenal striker won his second vote of the series after defeating Kyle Lafferty to be our number-one striker.

And the good news is that the 69% of you who voted for Bendtner seemed to be absolutely right as he bagged a debut goal within only seven minutes of pulling on the Sunderland shirt (you can watch the goal in our video below).

He was set up by midfielder maestro Max Power, who you also voted to be a starting midfielder, so clearly the Football Manager community knows its stuff. As if there was any doubt!

RESULTS: Which striker should be first choice?

FM20 Project, You Call The Shots, Episode 5 Strikers question

RESULTS: Which midfielders should be starting?

FM20 Project, You Call The Shots, Episode 5 midfielders question

To prove quite how successful your choices have been, we’ve followed up by making a blistering start – winning each of the first five matches, without conceding a goal.

But despite that positivity, there have been one or two bumps in the road. Catch up our latest episode below, before having your say in our two votes.

And now it’s time to cast your votes. Shall we stick with Will Grigg or replace him Kyle Lafferty while Bendtner gets over his injury, and who’s the answer to our left midfield woes?

As ever, you call the shots, so get voting!

Stay tuned to The Set Pieces to find out the result of the vote and see how the consequences of your decision unfold.

FM20 Project: You Call The Shots, Episode 5
4.7 (93.33%) 6 votes